”Brands Speak Human.“

It is our motto and guiding compass. Creating relationships, building trust, talking to people. In an age of human-centric communication, changing your mindset means enhancing your brand and taking it to a limit that would have been unimaginable ten years ago - humanise it.

And as B2B and B2C boundaries blur, emotions intensify, hands shake, conversations flourish. It is Human to Human. communication. Our horizon. And as of today, yours too.


Brand Communication


Social & Content Marketing

Social Marketing

Web Design & Digital Production

Web Design

Shooting & Video Making

Video Making

Events and trade fairs

Coaching and training



Specialists in everything, even in creating satisfaction.

If a taste isn't enough for you, we'll give you a ticket
for the Pinnacoteca as well.

Pinnacoteca Perdonà is about to open its doors to all Agency Archives. Years of daily work can be consulted in a digital library. Why? To tell our story and give you a picture of how communication has changed.

Do you want to be the first to enter?
Sign up! We will notify you when it is online.

We'll give you a ticket for the Pinnacoteca as well

If you are looking for industry experience, then we are family
and we look forward to letting you touch it in person.

Stay tuned

Our ideas reach across all Italy.

Good ideas know no boundaries. Although we are based in Verona, our Communication agency is also active in Milan, Rome, Mantua, Turin, Vicenza, Brescia, Modena, Parma, Padua...

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