It’s time to regenerate. It’s time to listen.

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it” – Henry Ford

In 2009 entrepreneurs were asked to roll up their sleeves and face a big challenge. The Agency Perdonà remembers this well. It was year when we decided to shift our mindset and start over as a Communication Business, with a strategy that outlines clear management criteria and human resources management. Over the years, we referred to this decision as Regeneration: a real growth mindset that has helped us every time we faced an obstacle, when simply acting upon it was no longer enough. That is, when we needed to react instead.

In the past years, many we convinced many of our clients to adopted this strategy, from which they have benefitted in the long and short term.

Today we must regenerate again.

This pandemic has hit us unexpectedly, but it is time to react upon it with a special vaccine that is based on creativity and team work. Therefore, instead of gathering around a table in person, we invite our clients to engage with us via screen, through a Skype Call, in order to revise together the marketing and communication strategy of your businesses and adapt it to this unusual times. Let’s listen to the market and let’s listen to each other.

Let’s rethink together your communication tools, your topics, and most of all let’s energize your personality and your brand. That is what your customers are looking for now, in a time where buying products is not their top priority. If we react in time we can contrast this unfavorable situation and turn it into our favor.

We offer our consultancy to all those who want to take part in this Regeneration process.

Faces of regeneration – a group dedicated to our clients and collaborators, to give space to the values of everyone

Meeting people is valuable, even if only through digital means. We have created a new Facebook group – Faces of Regeneration – which we will invite you to join in the coming days. In this group you will find information, news and curiosities about how the market is reacting to this quarantine. Because that’s where we need to start from in times of difficulty. We need to start from us.