As many of you may already know, the passion for skiing is in our Agency DNA. Skiing is part of the background of the agency founder, Christian Perdonà, and is still nowadays one of his biggest passions. That is why becoming a sponsor for Simone Origone, word champion of speed skiing for 2020, has been a great honour for us. Simone is truly unique, from the start he inspired kindness, humanity, courage and the willingness to always get up after falling.
We had the great pleasure to meet him at an agency event and to support him in his professional challenge: the 2020 Speed Skiing World Cup, in which he manged to obtain the 12th Cristal Cup of his career.
Here below you can find our exclusive interview with him.
1. Hello Simone! Thank you for according us this interview. Our agency has cheered for you all along and raised a toast to your victory at the 2020 Speed Skiing World Cup. Although, it is fair to say that it has been an unusual victory given that the competition has been interrupted by Covid-19 pandemic. How did this make you feel?
Unfortunately, this year I haven’t taken the time to savour this victory. The Covid-19 emergency was at its peak, so the focus and attention were elsewhere. I did not celebrate. I felt as if I had a tooth removed by the dentist: I manged to take the burden off, but I was still focused on the pain. It was a sad moment, also due to the fact that I did not get to attend the awards as every year. What is more, me and my team were abroad while learning from the news what was happening in Italy. As soon as the competition was over we decided to return home.
2. I think you are the first one who is carrying on a skiing helmet a sea creature on high altitude mountains. Do you think it is a great companion for your adventures?
Since when I was a child, I loved seahorses. Even nowadays when I see one, I always remain astonished. I can’t help it. When Christian Perdonà told me about his idea, I didn’t quite understand at first, then he sent me his sticker. I thought it was a really original symbol to have on a helmet. It’s an animal that is loved both by children and adults.
3. Have you met any particular challenges during this competition?
The opening of the World Cup in Vars has not been easy: there were two races planned, but we could do only one due to bad weather conditions. It has not been a fair opening race. The semi-final went well, but in the second part there were wind and snow and not all participants competed with the same weather conditions. When I was heading down the ski slope, I had a worse visibility and a stronger wind than my opponents. It went well, but I can’t say conditions were equal for everyone.
Weather conditions in Finland have been perfect: there weather was stable and without any wind. That is quite unusual for Finland. We also had 3 races in Sweden: upon our arrival, 40-50cm of snow had already fallen. As a result, the snow on the ski slopes was quite soft and fluffy but then it got better. There have been 6 World Cup races in total and a week for international races. This year I was at my very best and I am sorry to not to have had the chance to participate to the world record race. I had great chances and I am not sure that I’ll have them next year.
4. Health care emergency and sport: when the pandemic will be over, how do you think it will be to be a professional athlete?
I am lucky as all my competitions will be in 2021: it’s nothing like alpine skiing where I go train on glacier or in South America in summer. For the next year my professional sport commitments should go back to normal, especially if in the time a vaccine is found.
For the time being there is a high level of uncertainty. The fear I have as a non-sport-professional is for the economy and employment. Many industries are facing great challenges right now. I live from tourism, one of the most hit industries. I guess we will see as the time unfolds.
In the mean time I train regularly in the gym I built in my home garage. I have some issues with my knees, so I used this time to do some therapy with an innovative laser. I hope it will help to keep strong for my next competitions…