Our Website is now accessible to people with disabilities

We already talked about it in our previous articles Making information accessible to everyone and Accessibility and integration”. We are now happy to announce that the project has been completed: our new website, is now more accessible than ever, event to people with disabilities. The motives behind this internal agency project were  humanitarian but related to our digital performance as well: an accessible website generates more conversions, views and improves SEO performance on search engines as well.

This article wants to describe our journey and explain why we decided to undertake this project, also thanks to the support of YEAH!

 YEAH!’s idea

YEAH! Is a social cooperative based in Verona that specialises in services that provide greater inclusivity to people with disabilities. Their work aims to raise awareness among business on what can be done to shape a more inclusive environment, especially in the digital arena. Like physical cities, the virtual web can have insurmountable barriers as well. There may be not staircases or swivels, but menus with invisible colours, images or descriptions are all elements that can become a real labyrinth to people with disabilities.

Our job: communicate to everyone, no exceptions made

We had the great pleasure to meet the social cooperative YEAH! during an open event at the Hotel Villa Quaranta (VR) where a new whole world opened up to us. Our direction became clear: greater accessibility, inclusiveness and equality. A society can define itself equal also by how accessible self-development, information, unrestricted internet navigation are to everyone.

From that encounter, we started to collaborate with YEAH! that gave us all the necessary advice to rebuild our website to make it more accessible. Our Web Designer Cristian Cinquetti definitely rolled up his sleeves.

The result: A website accessible to users with disabilities

After weeks of work, made even more challenging by the global health pandemic, the result was under everyone’s nose, or shall we say everyone’s “mouse”. Our website has changed. Those changes may be small but they truly make the difference. We are proud to put next to our little seahorse, the icon of the YEAH! certificate that has accompanied us all along the journey with kindness and professionalism.

Now we want to become advocates of this project and to invite our clients and audience to become part of the change and to make their websites accessible to everyone. Brands need to speak in a human language and not exclude anyone.

Curious to see what has changed? Visit our website on www.agenziaperdona.com/en/

Agenzia Perdonà_Accessibilità sito con disabilità